Alina Meloyan


Individuals, Couples and Family

Master’s of Psychology

Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

I have fundamentally changed my life several times by moving to a new country, building new relationships, changing my profession, getting new academic knowledge, and opening new businesses.

Alina Meloyan


Individuals, Couples and Family

Master’s of Psychology

Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

I have fundamentally changed my life several times by moving to a new country, building new relationships, changing my profession, getting new academic knowledge, and opening new businesses.

Sometimes you need to meet just the right person and hear the right words at the right time to transform your life.


Are you stuck in a toxic relationship?


Do you have difficult family members?


You can’t overcome your loss alone?


Are you having trouble adjusting to a new country?

Don’t miss this opportunity. Try your 20-minute free consultation to discuss your concerns and ensure you are in the right place to get your answers.

Get help with

Building positive relationships

Cultural adaptation

Overcoming grief and loss